Residential Parking Permit Application
The Residential Handicap Parking Space Program is designed as a service for citizens with a mobility handicap desiring a private parking space on the street in front of or beside their home. It is intended for individuals in need of easy access to their personal vehicle on a regular basis.
Since this entails restrictions to public use of on-street parking areas, your application must be evaluated by both the Handicap Parking Space Committee and the City Traffic Engineer. The evaluation is based on the demonstrated need for the parking stall with respect to the type and extend of mobility handicap.
A mobility handicap, as defined by the Cheyenne Mayor’s Council for the People with Disabilities, is “having a severe visual, audio or physical impairment. This include, but is not limited to, partial paralysis, lower limb amputation, chronic heart condition, emphysema, arthritis, rheumatism, or other debilitation condition that is expected to last a minimum of 12 months, which limits one’s mobility or results in an inability to move from place to place without the use of wheelchair, crutch, walker, prosthetic, orthotic or other assistive device."
Each applicant must meet the following criteria before a request is approved:
- The applicant must have a handicap parking permit issued to them by the State of Wyoming Department of Transportation.
- A letter from your doctor stating the extent of your disability needs to be submitted with the application.
- An interview will need to be conducted with Handicap Parking Space Committee.
- There is no fee associated with the application. A renewal must be completed prior to December 31st of each year. The committee may require an interview prior to approval or renewal. The $40.00 installation cost will be paid for by the Cheyenne Civic League through funds obtained from their community services.
- Finally, the applicant must demonstrate that they have a need for a private parking space in front of their home and that other alternatives for close, private parking are not available.
*Please note that this program is to provide a personalized parking stall for use solely by the applicant and their personal vehicle, this is not intended as a loading zone for friends, relatives, or the City of Cheyenne Transit Bus.
After the Traffic Engineer’s Office receives this information, you will be contacted to make arrangements for an interview. If you have any questions concerning this application, please call the Parking Administration Manager at (307) 637- 6586.
Residential Accessible Parking Application